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Super Mario Birthday party - Part 2

In this part 2 will describe how I made the cake. For the games description go to Part 1.


As it was the first time I was making a cake with decorations, I wanted to do something relatively easy. I was so scared to fail that I made a test cake the week before. Never again! I just doubled myself the work and I was tired when came the moment to make the cake for the birthday.

For the test cake I made one chocolate, in a 25 cm diameter x 10 cm high round mould like this one.

For the receipt of the cake, I used molly cakes from this website. If you want to use this receipt, I strongly recommend following all the tips and tricks she gives here.

I made a chocolate ganache to stick the fondant to the cake and to add a bit of different texture to my cake. You can find the receipt I used on my favourite website My cake.

I covered the cake entirely with blue fondant to make it look like the sky.

Then I made small decorations with fondant of very typical elements of Mario. For example, the question mark box, the bricks box, coins, green pipes, some clouds, the piranha flowers. I even tried to make some small goomba!

The result is not perfect but for a first try I was quite satisfied with it. Anyway, I didn’t need it perfect this time, it was more to try the cake receipt and how to use fondant as it was my first time attempting such a cake. I just brought this cake to work on Monday and my colleagues were very happy to eat it.

For the birthday cake the procedure is almost the same. I just did two cakes instead of one. Since I had managed the first one, I thought I would try to make some bigger to impress kids.

I made one chocolate cake, in a 25 cm diameter x 10 cm high and one nature cake, in a 20 cm diameter x 7 cm high.

I covered both cake with the ganache then covered each one with blue fondant. I was very disappointed about how I laid the blue fondant this time. It’s not smooth, you can see a lot of bumps. I had managed so well the first time… But after baking or making decorations for a week, every day, I was tired and didn’t have as much patience unfortunately. That’s why I would never attempt again two cakes in two weeks. For the decorations the main elements were the same than last time.

I added a sign written “super Adrian” in the same font of super mario. For this I printed some letters in the Super Mario font. You can just download it and install in on your computer.

Then I cut these letters and used them as a template to make the shape of the letters.

I made more mushrooms this time (one per guest that they don’t fight for it).

You can see the result on the pictures below.

Super mario birthday cake. Mario cake. Mario decoration

Super mario birthday cake. Mario cake. Mario decoration

Super mario birthday cake. Mario cake. Mario decoration


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